On Aug 13, 2021, at 8:40 AM, Ben Schwartz <bemasc=40google....@dmarc.ietf.org> 
> I think we can summarize the recent DS-glue-signing drafts as follows:
> * draft-fujiwara-dnsop-delegation-information-signer: One new DS holding a 
> hash of all the glue records.
> * draft-dickson-dnsop-ds-hack: Each new DS holds the hash of one glue RRSet
> * draft-schwartz-ds-glue: Each new DS holds one glue record verbatim
> These represent three of the six possible combinations of scope (RR, RRSet, 
> all glue) and encoding (hash vs. verbatim).  All six combinations are 
> possible, with different tradeoffs.

This concise list also points out a very serious terminology problem that 
affects this discussion: unsigned NS records in a response are not glue 
records. Similarly, SVCB records are not glue records.

Proposed differentiation between the drafts:

* draft-fujiwara-dnsop-delegation-information-signer: One new DS holding a hash 
of the NS records in the Authority section and all the address records in the 
Additional section

* draft-dickson-dnsop-ds-hack: Each new DS holds the hash of NS records in the 
Authority section, the A records in the Additional section, and the AAAA 
records in the Additional section

* draft-schwartz-ds-glue: Each new DS holds one record verbatim; the record 
might not appear in the rest of the response

For the DRPIVE use cases, draft-schwartz-ds-glue allows a resolver to discover 
SVCB records in a response from the parent, even if that parent is not 
configured to put SVCB records in the Additional section.

--Paul Hoffman

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