Dear Chairs, 

With regards to draft-ietf-dnsop-private-use-tld, I note that the following 
points were listed on the chairs’ slides today (during the first DNSOP session):
● Liaison sent per IAB on behalf of IETF, asking for guidance from ISO on 
whether this is an appropriate use of ISO-3166-1 “user-assigned” alpha-2 codes 
● The liaison manager sent the chairs his assessment of the response, which we 
will forward to the WG 

Next to the assessment of the response, I want to see the actual response.

● The chairs need to decide (with our AD) what our next steps should be 
● WG discussion on Thursday

Looking forward to it, but please make sure that the ISO’s response (not just 
the assessment of the response) is available before the meeting.


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