On Mon, 10 May 2021 at 00:28, Paul Hoffman <paul.hoff...@icann.org> wrote:
> On May 9, 2021, at 11:26 AM, Paul Wouters <p...@nohats.ca> wrote:
> > This is all pretty terrible. I agree with Tim that we should not inflict 
> > this onto the users. Or perhaps we can already pre-allocate some CVE 
> > numbers for the security issues this will generate.
> >
> > Keep the record simple, we are not going for Turing complete here. I 
> > recommend to authors take this discussion as advise to improve / simplify 
> > this aspect of the draft.
> I don't think this request is actually doable. The requirements for the SVCB 
> Rdata are:
> 1. Must be entered by the zone operator as ASCII text (not all a jumble of 
> hex values)
> 2. Is a list of key/value pairs
> 3. Values are likely to be a list of items

It is very much doable.
BIND, NSD, and PowerDNS can already parse values containing '\,'
escapes, and each of these has a substantial installed base.

My objections can be entirely satisfied by modest changes to reconcile
the document with RFC1035.

> Given these three things, it seems that there will *always* be an escaping 
> problem for the item delimiter in #3. In the current draft, the item 
> delimiter is a comma, so there has to be a way to escape a comma that is in 
> an item. Few types of items would ever need a comma in their values. If a 
> different character is chosen for the item delimiter, it too will need to be 
> escaped.
> If I'm wrong about this being as good as it can be, there must be an item 
> delimiter that is better than a comma. I am not thinking creatively enough to 
> figure out what might be better than a comma. I'd be happy to hear proposals 
> for a better item delimiter.

My objection is narrowly focussed on the escape mechanism, nothing
more.  Changing the delimiter is neither necessary nor relevant.

I am happy to contribute the necessary words.


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