Hi folks,

On 3/22/21 5:29 PM, Willem Toorop wrote:
> [...]
> Would be good to have that in a test vector ;).

Hence the inclusion of the unsorted keys vector :).

> Excellent! How SHOULD it enforce? By failing to load or by fixing.

This is all implementation specific of course :). For PowerDNS we don't
pre-parse the zones when serving (being a database driven server) so we
have a tool (`pdnsutil check-zone`) that will warn/error if things are
wrong with records, where we're covering most of these cases. We'll have
some sanity checking in-line (when serving), but there's no way we will
validate all constraints at runtime (we will probably when you use the
API to manipulate records, but that is not yet implemented)

> Most here tilt to *failing to load*, so these should fail to load:
> [...]
> I think it would be good to have this added to the test-vectors appendix.

I'll try to update the vectors this week, changing the format and adding
some missed cases as well.



Pieter Lexis
PowerDNS.COM BV -- https://www.powerdns.com

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