> On Oct 12, 2020, at 8:56 AM, Rob Wilton (rwilton) 
> <rwilton=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:
>>>   2.  The ZONEMD Resource Record
>>>      It is
>>>      RECOMMENDED that a zone include only one ZONEMD RR, unless the
>> zone
>>>      publisher is in the process of transitioning to a new Scheme or
>> Hash
>>>      Algorithm.
>>> I'm not quite sure how well this fits with sections 2.2.3 restriction
>> that
>>> SHA384 MUST be implemented, and SHA512 SHOULD be implemented.   As a
>> recipient
>>> of the zone info I understand that I would need to implement both, but
>> as a
>>> sender am I allowed to only send SHA512, or both, or must I always send
>> SHA384?
>> As sender (publisher) you are allowed to publish whatever you want.
> [RW] 
> Okay, taken in conjunction with 2.2.3 that didn't seem clear to me.  My 
> reading is that the sender SHOULD only send one, and [everyone] MUST support 
> SHA384, effectively implying that is SHA384 that MUST be sent ...  Perhaps 
> the RFC 2119 language in section 2.2.3 needs to be restricted to receivers 
> processing ZONEMD records?  ... or some other way to convey the difference in 
> requirements on algorithm implementation between senders and receivers.

Hi Rob,

To address this, here is what we suggest:

In sections 2.2.2 and 2.2.3, rather than saying "MUST/SHOULD be implemented" 
we'll say "MUST/SHOULD be supported by implementations."

The paragraph about multiple digests at the start of section 2 will be moved to 
this new section 2.5:

2.5.  Including ZONEMD RRs in a Zone

   The zone operator chooses an appropriate hash algorithm and scheme,
   and includes the calculated zone digest in the apex ZONEMD RRset.
   The zone operator MAY choose any of the defined hash algorithms and
   schemes, including the private use code points.

   The ZONEMD RRSet MAY contain multiple records to support algorithm
   agility [RFC7696].  [RFC Editor: change that to BCP 201] When
   multiple ZONEMD RRs are present, each MUST specify a unique Scheme
   and Hash Algorithm tuple.  It is RECOMMENDED that a zone include only
   one ZONEMD RR, unless the zone operator is in the process of
   transitioning to a new scheme or hash algorithm.


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