Yesterday, Verisign published a blog post [1] that includes a description of 
the growth rate of QNAME-minimized queries that we've seen at the A and J root 
servers and the .COM and .NET name servers since 2018. Section 8 of 
draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc7816bis ("Results of the Experimentation") doesn't 
currently include any information that describes how the number of 
QNAME-minimized queries received by root and TLD servers has increased over 
time, so I'd like to suggest adding the following:

"Research performed by Verisign [1] confirms that in January 2018, 32% of 
queries received at the A and J Root servers contained only one label, while 
30% of queries received at the .COM and .NET name servers consisted of only two 
labels. By August 2020, those measures have increased to 53% and 49%, 



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