On Sep 11, 2020, at 6:29 PM, Robert Edmonds <edmo...@mycre.ws> wrote:
> Paul Hoffman wrote:
>> The responses will be signed if the zone for which the server is 
>> authoritative is signed, meaning that validating resolvers can get 
>> authenticated information about the server if that would influence how they 
>> treat responses from the server.
> How does the zone signer know the capabilities of the nameservers that
> will serve the zone and what does it do if the capabilities of those
> servers differ?

Because the zone owner wrote an AUTHINFO RR into the zone. This is no different 
than any other record.

> It sounds like this is incompatible with offline
> signing.

Not at all. Offline signing works on RRs.

> Must a primary nameserver exclude AUTHINFO RR's from outgoing AXFRs to
> secondary nameservers?


> Must secondary nameservers fail, filter, or
> replace an incoming AXFR if it contains an AUTHINFO RR?


> By making this
> an RR it seems like it would be easy to inadvertently serve an incorrect

In what case would a secondary have different information than the primary?

> I think this should be an EDNS option rather than an RR and if integrity
> protection beyond that of plain DNS is needed, it can be combined with
> COOKIE, SIG(0), TSIG, DoT, etc.

Again, we're fine with using an EDNS option if people don't want the 
information signed or cached. This seems like a steep limitation for benefits I 
still don't see (as shown above), but if that's what the WG wants, it's an easy 
change to make.

--Paul Hoffman

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