Hi Tommy,
My point in more detail: DNS itself Is a key-(multi)value database. Embedding another key-value list into RR data seems misconceptual. Moreover, this embeeded stuff od somewhat Complex, with different requirements on the keys, their order, and values.
However, i havent found any better solution w/o different drawbacks :(

On 2020-06-17 15:50, Tommy Pauly wrote:
On Jun 17, 2020, at 5:10 AM, .peltan <libor.pel...@nic.cz> wrote:

Hi all,

i'm a developer of Knot DNS authoritative server. I have some comments on the SVCB draft and some suggestions for improvements. Just consider my thoughts and then do whatever is best.

(1) The format of SVCB (and HTTPS) RR is too complicated, especially for parsing presentation format to wireformat and back, including consistency checks. Perhaps instead of

www 3600 IN HTTPS 1 . alpn=h2 port=8443

It could be

www 3600 IN HTTPS 1 . alpn h2
                  1 . port 8443

Which gives slightly bigger RRSet wireformat, but not by much.

I find this format suggestion to be far more confusing to read, since
these really are key-value pairs, and the SvcDomainName and the
SvcDomainPriority fields are shared across the different key-value

What specifically is too hard to parse in the draft’s format? Is that
something that more clarifying examples can help with instead?


(2) Paragraph 2.2 explicitly requires that SvcDomainName must not be compressed. Is there a reason? Especially when the response packets are large (and I expect that for SVCB they will), any compression helps.

(3) Paragraph 2.5 contradicts itself: "SvcDomainName MUST be the name of a domain that has SVCB, AAAA, or A records" versus "SvcDomainName MAY be the owner of a CNAME record". What is the meaning here?

(4) Let's assume that CNAME is allowed under SvcDomainName. Paragraph 4.1 is too vague and I don't see what an authoritative (not recursive!) server shall answer in situation SVCB->CNAME->A (all in-bailiwick). Shall the CNAME and A be added to additional section? For comparison, in situation MX->CNAME->A we don't bother since this situation is forbidden (see RFC 2181).

(5) Wouldn't one octet for priority field be enough?

(6) There are not enough examples in the document. There are many variants of SVCB records, the formal ABNF description is difficult to read, and it would also illustrate what kind of services those records are designed to handle.

Best regards and thanks for your effort,

Libor Peltan

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