Hi Tim,

Thanks for the information. Do you konw is there any audio or video record
of this vriturl meeting availalbe?


On Sun, 19 Apr 2020 at 05:11, Tim Wicinski <tjw.i...@gmail.com> wrote:

> All
> I've gone back over the minutes and have uploaded them to the data tracker:
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/minutes-interim-2020-dnsop-01-202004141600/
> If you have any corrections, please let us know, or send us a pull request
> to the github version:
> https://github.com/DNSOP/wg-materials/blob/master/dnsop-ietf107/dnsop-ietf107-minutes.md
> Chair Actions from the meeting:
> * draft-ietf-dnsop-svcb-httpssvc
>     - Want to encourage Interop testing, and WGLC before 108
> * draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc7816bis
>     - New Version, then working toward WGLC
> * draft-fujiwara-dnsop-avoid-fragmentation
>     - Call for Adoption sent, ends 28 April
> * draft-pwouters-powerbind
>     - Call for Adoption to go out week of 20 April
> * draft-tapril-ns2
>     - Need work and discussion with ADD/DPRIVE/DNSOP chairs
> * draft-toorop-dnsop-dns-catalog-zones
>     - Put on list as candidate for adoption
> * draft-toorop-dnsop-dns-zone-provisioning-yang
>     - More work and review needed
> If anyone feels the chairs have the incorrect action for a document,
> please speak up.
> Additionally, as we commented during the meeting, the chairs have a list of
> several drafts that are candidates for adoption.  We will be starting a
> new call
> for adoption every week, where the chairs are looking for explicit
> support.
> The list of drafts are the 'Candidates for Adoption' section of our
> document status:
> https://github.com/DNSOP/wg-materials/blob/master/dnsop-document-status.md
> thanks
> tim
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