In article <> 
you write:
>Sure. Brian was asking specifically asking about the TLD case, so my
>answer was in that context. For that space, I think one of the issues is:
>even if they were willing to verify all the delegations, it isn't clear what
>they are permitted to do about it, beyond notification to the registrants
>(or so I've heard).

Remember that in ICANN contracted TLDs and in some ccTLDs, a registry
can only contact registrants by going through the registrars.  While I
can imagine some hack (EPP probably) for the registry to tell the
registrar about inconsistent NS, I don't see the point.  The lousy
registrars won't care, the good ones could check and notify themselves
if they want to.

I suppose you could make a general observation that DNS operators can
check for inconsistent NS and when practical warn the child operator
but that sounds like "don't forget to brush your teeth" sort of advice.


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