On 12/23/19 9:22 PM, Eric Orth wrote:
> 2) Any chain limiting enforcement only applies to stubs following
> chains, not recursives.
> Recursives are already following CNAMEs without a standardized limit.
> [...]

(I'm a bit late, I'm sorry.)  Recursives *in practice* seem quite
limited.  Unbound has limit of 10, for BIND it's less than 20, I think. 
OK, for SVCB the suggested limits so far were lower than 10 (or
unspecified/unlimited).  This is one of the cases where it seems quite
difficult to agree to standardize a particular number, even though
"unlimited" doesn't make any sense, and we end up in a fuzzy state where
no particular guarantees get standardized (or followed).


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