
On 10/28/19 10:32 PM, Wessels, Duane wrote:
> The one defined hash algorithm SHA384 has been renamed to SHA384-STABLE to 
> reflect that it designed for use on stable (or small) zones where it is not 
> burdensome to recalculate the digest over the entire zone data each time.

Tiny nitpick: calling it "SHA384-STABLE" might be a tiny bit confusing
(to me), as I've seen that word refer to some particular hashing
approaches/properties.  Actually some of the algorithms that efficiently
recompute after small changes in large zones... I'd even tend to call
those digests (more) "stable"/"steady" intuitively, but that might be
personal :-)  I certainly don't have a strong opinion on the naming and
don't want to bike-shed, but I could imagine calling it "simple" or
"flat" or something along those lines.

[example] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stable_hashing


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