Belated thanks for your feedback.

I will proceed with the authors for the next step to submit the draft to
the IESG for publication.


-- Benno

On 10/07/2019 23:41, bert hubert wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 10, 2019 at 10:56:26PM +0200, Benno Overeinder wrote:
>> >From the feedback on the mailing list, the chairs believe that all
>> feedback and comments have been addressed by the authors, either in the
>> draft or on the mailing list.
> With tremendous apologies for not spending a second on this draft earlier, I
> do miss one sentence.  But first, let me state that I (and the camel) are
> elated that this draft actually obsoletes documents and doesn't add
> substantially to the pagecount, or might even reduce it (!).
> The sentence I miss comes after this first paragraph:
>    TSIG was originally specified by [RFC2845].  In 2017, two nameservers
>    strictly following that document (and the related [RFC4635]) were
>    discovered to have security problems related to this feature.  The
>    implementations were fixed but, to avoid similar problems in the
>    future, the two documents were updated and merged, producing this
>    revised specification for TSIG.
>    While TSIG implemented according to this RFC provides for enhanced
>    security, there are no changes in interoperability. TSIG is on the wire
>    still the same mechanism, only checking semantics have been changed.
>    Please see section 10.1 for further details.
> Rationale for this new paragraph is that it will save like 10000 questions
> on if this TSIG is compatible with the old TSIG, or if software X implements
> RFC9xxx TSIG or the old one, and if there is fallback etc.
> I fully realize how late my suggestion is.
>> This starts a Working Group Last Call process of three weeks and ends
>> on: 31 July 2019.
> I'm very much in favour of this cleanup and I applaud the authors for doing
> the hard work to make it happen.
>       Bert
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