On Fri, 23 Aug 2019 at 14:18, <internet-dra...@ietf.org> wrote:
A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories. This draft is a work item of the Domain Name System Operations WG of the IETF. Title : The ALT Special Use Top Level Domain Authors : Warren Kumari Andrew Sullivan Filename : draft-ietf-dnsop-alt-tld-12.txt Pages : 11 Date : 2019-08-23
I am not a big fan, and I don't think many alternative projects will pick .alt even if just for cosmetic reasons, but I don't have any reason to object either. It's cheap and if it remains unused, that is okay. And one advantage is that if people want to claim a TLD, we can point them to .alt, so it should decrease the pressure on using RFC 6761 which will prevent more bureaucratic time used up in dnsop meetings. Has Issues: I think the document is contradicting and not clear at all on what to do with queries. It mixes up "should not be resolved" with "should not be handled specially" based on some assumed difference of stub resolver and resolver and Caching Server. On top of that, a stub resolver and caching server are likely to use the same underlying library calls, so asking for different behaviour is unrealistic for implementors. It would also be good to stick to the DNS Terminology, which I think it does not do with the list of different players in the resolving chain. Writers of name resolution APIs and libraries which operate in the DNS context should not attempt to look these names up in the DNS. vs: Caching DNS servers SHOULD NOT recognize these names as special These two cannot both be true. The latter is also really false since the ..alt is marked as Special Domain, so caching resolvers _should_ handle it specially. Likely the best advise to implementors is to use a Query Minimization based answer of the non-existence of .alt that prevents further leakage of the specific name within .alt that was used. I would like to see this very prominently stated instead of the scattered bullet list on what to do. Authoritative DNS servers SHOULD NOT recognize these names as special Why not? I think they should refuse to load any .alt zones. It is supposed to be Special Use for non-DNS protocols. Why let it be abused as "real" DNS zones? Do we want to support "almost DNS like" protocols that would re-use authoritative DNS server code? That seems very dangerous. DNS server operators SHOULD be aware that queries for names ending in .alt are not DNS names I read this first as "DNS servers" not as "humans". I don't think RFC 2119 language should apply to humans (well, I think it should but I think we are not the Human Police either :) DNS Registries/Registrars MUST NOT grant requests to register ".alt" names in the normal way to any person or entity. This is outside the scope of IETF. If ICANN wants to make a statement about this, they should do so elsewhere? Since registrars/registries cannot do this anyway, the advise is silly. And for any alt-root operators, this line isn't going to change their behaviour anyway. Plus, due to the above processing rules, DNS libraries will prevent them from running an alt-root .alt DNS zone anyway. Earlier versions of this document requested I think this section can be removed, or moved to an appendix. (and their stub resolver library has not been updated to ignore queries for names ending in .alt) This again goes against the "do not treat special" directive. Apparently, it is wanted that stub resolvers threat this differently. configured iterative resolver Stick to DNS Terminology... (or, if the resolver implements [RFC8198], a entry for .alt) this query will likely be sent to the DNS root servers. This does not parse. Also, I think the "local root" drafts/RFC would be more appropriate to cite here than Aggressive NSEC. But really, none of this should be cited here I think. It is not needed for the explanation at this place. One of the motivations for the creation of the .alt pseudo-TLD is that unmanaged labels in the managed root name space are subject to unexpected takeover. This could occur if the manager of the root name space decides to delegate the unmanaged label. This reads as if ICANN is the MITM this document is protecting for, which I don't think is the intension. I would also place the actual concern (your squatted domain might get delegated for real by another legitimate entity) in the introduction or abstract. It is not a security consideration of the draft itself. So it does not belong in the Security Considerations. The unmanaged and "registration not required" nature of labels beneath .alt provides the opportunity for an attacker to re-use the chosen label and thereby possibly compromise applications dependent on the special host name. Similar here. It is not a Security Consideration for creating .alt, but a security consideration of the non-DNS protocol that is unspecified and so we should not talk about it here. At best, perhaps you want to say: Using non-DNS namespaces for applications that are normally only used within the DNS namespace will have a number of security concerns related to the unexpected interaction of the non-DNS space with the DNS space. Any design of a non-DNS namespace MUST take these risks into account and (re)consider the use of a real DNS namespace domain name instead. If that is not possible, leaking of any non-DNS namespace into the .alt DNS namespace MUST NOT cause fatal security or privacy issues. NITS: A short label was deemed desirable for a number of reasons, including: [...] some queries will undoubtedly leak into the DNS. I don't see why the label length would matter here :P as there are not protocol police This sentence does not parse. Also, while dnsop might understand "protocol police", I don't think this term should appear in RFCs. I think the affiliation of Andrew Sullivan needs updating. Paul _______________________________________________ DNSOP mailing list DNSOP@ietf.org https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/dnsop