In article <> 
you write:
>I support adoption, but I think we should consider a substantial
>simplification of the design, focusing on a consensus core of basic

Agreed.  While I understand the motivation for this draft, the more I
look at it the less I understand the security model.  Like Joe I don't
understand the implications of the assumption that http and DNS
servers on the IP address are under the same management, or will
return consistent information.  

I also don't understand how this relates to DNSSEC, since the RESINFO
results are likely to be synthesized in the cache and are unlikely to
be signed.  To some extent DoH and DoT can mitigate MITM attacks since
their SSL certs may be able to tell you who you're talking to, but I
don't understand the downgrade and other attacks against whatever
security the certs provide.


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