On Tue, 30 Jul 2019, Paul Ebersman wrote:
> dmahoney> I'd be fine with this data ONLY living on the master, but
> dmahoney> having it survive things like named-compilezone or rndc
> dmahoney> freeze/thaw, or the slew of DDNS updates that things like ACME
> dmahoney> DNS-01 requires.
> dmahoney> Effectively, this would be an internal-only DNS record that
> dmahoney> had a database representation but NO defined wire-format, so
> dmahoney> there'd be little chance of snooping over the wire (absent
> dmahoney> some kind of memory leak in the DNS implementation).
> Gotcha. So presumably also only on hidden master if that's the
> architecture.
> And transfer of data with these super-comments would be done by file
> copy, not any DNS standard method?
Correct. I do also envision a limited use-case for this feature where
BIND might also add a note indicating the source/time of a DDNS update.
But again, purely for humans, not for any action by the nameserver.
One possible format might be:
;NOTE foo.bar. NOTE "pauls workstation"
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