"DNSOP" <dnsop-boun...@ietf.org> wrote on 07/15/2019 12:18:15:

> From: "Peter Saint-Andre" <stpe...@mozilla.com>
> To: "Andrew M. Hettinger" <ahettin...@prominic.net>, "Rob Sayre"
> <say...@gmail.com>
> Cc: dnsop@ietf.org, "Paul Vixie" <p...@redbarn.org>, "DNSOP" <dnsop-
> boun...@ietf.org>
> Date: 07/15/2019 12:18
> Subject: [External] Re: [DNSOP] Re: Fwd: [Add] new draft: draft-
> grover-add-policy-detection-00
> Sent by: "DNSOP" <dnsop-boun...@ietf.org>
> On 7/15/19 10:54 AM, Andrew M. Hettinger wrote:
> > Arguably there's actually a decrease in security over DoT as, rather
> > then your network provider being the one who knows what DNS lookups
> > you're doing, now some third party with whom you have no relationship.
> You, as a lone user, have zero leverage with your network provider.
> Firefox or Chome or Safari (etc.), as the user agent for millions of
> people, can exercise more leverage and also enter into contractual
> agreements with trusted recursive resolvers. That seems like a promising
> avenue to explore.
> > Let's be clear, "some third party" is pronounced "Cloudflare." This
> > isn't to bash on Cloudflare, but everyone's DNS traffic going to ONE
> > company?
> Mozilla's intent is to deploy a set of trusted recursive resolvers, as
> Ekr explained back in March on the DoH list:
> https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/doh/po6GCAJ52BAKuyL-dZiU91v6hLw
> But these topics might be more appropriate for the ADD list...
> Peter
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> DNSOP@ietf.org
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I, as a lone user have even LESS leverage over Cloudflare, or the Mozilla
Foundation, to whom I am not even a customer. More disturbingly, the
Mozilla Foundation is a US corporation, subject to (gagged) FISA warrants.
Considering one of the biggest surveillors in the world is the US
government, surely you can see how maybe concentrating all the DNS traffic
into the hands of a single US corporation (the Mozilla Foundation) might
not be the greatest plan.

Andrew Hettinger
http://Prominic.NET | Skype: AndrewProminic
Tel: 866.339.3169 (toll free) -or- 1.217.356.2888 x. 110 (int'l)
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