> On 13 Jul 2019, at 3:52 am, Erik Nygren <e...@nygren.org> wrote:
> One of the intended goals of ANAME is to improve interoperability of 
> onboarding onto CDNs for URLs at a zone apex, such as 
> “http(s)://example.com”.  
> The TL;DR is that ANAME is unlikely to allow interoperability here unless 
> authorities are willing to effectively and scalablely do recursion-with-ECS 
> for all requests (caching keyed by ECS prefix and obeying short, sub-minute 
> TTLs).  Simply resolving “sibling address records” on a zone master (per 
> draft-ietf-dnsop-aname-04) is likely to be declared incompatible and 
> unsupported (or at least severely restricted) by at least some (if not many) 
> CDNs.
> For some background, Dan York highlights some sample use-cases here:
> https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-york-dnsop-cname-at-apex-publisher-view-01
> For example, web publishers want to do the equivalent of:
>      example.com  300  IN  CNAME a123qk.example-cdn.net.
> Two use-cases (quoted from draft-york above):
> 1.  users will be able to simply enter "example.com" into their browser; and
> 2.  users will only see "example.com" in their address bar (if URLs are even 
> displayed).
> Note that for some CDNs, the “a123qk.example-cdn.net” target name dynamically 
> selects which IP addresses to return based on a wide variety of factors 
> (recursive nameserver IP, end-user IP prefix passed via ECS, dynamic load and 
> liveness conditions, product, customer security requirements, TLS certificate 
> needed for non-SNI-only configurations, etc) and often have short TTLs (often 
> in the range of 20s to 60s, although sometimes up to 300s).
> Some CDNs have had vertically-integrated solutions for onboarding zone apex 
> names for years, allowing example.com to hand back CDN IPs as long as the 
> zone is delegated to the CDN authorities.  The need for these to be 
> vertically integrated comes from the level of complexity involved in 
> calculating these answers.
> Even these vertically integrated solutions may have limitations.  For 
> example, one early vertically-integrated solution had very similar 
> functionality to some of the ANAME proposals.  It only covered case #1 above, 
> handing out a subset of CDN IPs (with limited performance).  Along with this 
> was a correlated site HTTP configuration that would issue a 30[127] redirect 
> to “www..example.com” which would in-turn use a normal set of CDN IPs.  This 
> doesn’t help for the “users will only see ‘example.com’ in their address bar” 
> case due to the need to redirect to a hostname that can fully CNAME.  
> More advanced vertically-integrated solutions that can also handle case #2 
> may involve high-volume feeds of proprietary dynamic state and configuration 
> being fed to the authoritative nameservers, allowing them to construct 
> answers on-the-fly.
> It is unclear if third-party authoritative servers will be able to do enough 
> here to be compatible with CDNs, at least until we get to a point where 
> most/all recursive servers support ANAME sibling address substitution (and 
> there are huge numbers of these around the world run by a huge variety of 
> operators!).  
> For third-party authoritative servers wishing to collapse A/AAAA names into a 
> zone as signalled by an ANAME, some of the options include:
>       • Primary zone master does sibling address substitution:  Some CDNs 
> will declare this to be strictly incompatible.  (ie, all traffic would be 
> directed to a small set of IPs associated with where the Primary Master is 
> located).  This would defeat the purpose of using a non-purely-anycast CDN.   
>       • Zone secondaries do frequent sibling address substitution:  Some CDNs 
> may still declare this to be incompatible.  Traffic is still directed to a 
> small subset of IPs associated with where the zone secondaries are located.  
> If the zone secondaries are widely deployed, some CDNs might be able to 
> support this using anycast configurations, although that might limit to a 
> subset of products or limit to a subset of CDN server locations and might 
> have CDN SLA limitations.
>       • Authoritative resolvers do a mixture of the following, which is 
> likely what would be needed to be compatible with CDNs that do DNS-based 
> traffic direction:
>               • Online / on-demand lookups using ECS, with response caching.  
> (Possibly requiring collaboration with the CDN to be on an ECS ACL or 
> allowlist.)
>               • Online DNSSEC signing.
>               • Honoring short (eg, 20s-60s) response TTLs.
>               • Having the scale/capacity and attack resilience to be able to 
> support this possibly-low-cache-hit-rate request workload.
> It is only the third of these that might actually work well enough, but may 
> add a huge amount of complexity to authorities, requiring the authority to 
> also have many recursive functionality.  It is possible that some 
> authoritative operators are willing and able to do this to enable 
> interoperability. However, if this set of functionality is what is required 
> to make ANAME work well enough to achieve its goals, then we should be clear 
> on that. It would be a mistake to go through all of the effort of rolling out 
> ANAME only to find that CDNs declare it to be incompatible.  
> I’ll add the caveat that the HTTPSSVC proposal doesn’t fully or magically 
> solve this problem either.  It is likely that A/AAAA records will need to 
> live at the zone apex for a long time to come.  If those are static 
> addresses, they’ll likely still need to do 30[127]-style redirects to 
> “www.example.com” names.  However HTTPSSVC leaves an option for “example.com” 
> requests (eg, those containing an Alt-Used request header) to not need to 
> return a redirect, allowing a somewhat more graceful transition as client 
> adoption picks up.

No one ever thought that it would.  With the transition from address to MX 
lookups for SMTP it took many years before you could just publish a MX record 
and have it work reliably enough.  The transition from A/AAAA to whatever was 
always going to take sometime (years) before you could reliably just publish 
the alternative.

>     Erik
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