Greetings again. Puneet, Roy and I have just published a -00 with an idea for 
how to get information about a recursive resolver from the resolver, if it 
wants to give that information. This is an outgrowth of my earlier work in the 
DOH WG on draft-ietf-doh-resolver-associated-doh. The discussion on that latter 
draft in Prague had a couple of people saying "this should be more general than 
just DoH" and "what about DoT", which sparked the idea for 

Note as you read this document that we have *not* started filling in the kind 
of information that a resolver might return; we haven't even specified the DoH 
stuff. We wanted to be sure that DNSOP folks thought that the direction here 
might be viable; if so, I'll write an associated draft for a resolver's 
associated DoH and DoT servers, and some of you might start writing drafts for 
other ideas.

Also note that this is explicitly only for resolvers; we might later do a 
second protocol for authoritative servers who want to give information about 
themselves (such as if they do DoT, if that moves forward in DPRIVE). The 
reason for the split is that a resolver that doesn't know the protocol here 
might pass the query on to the authoritative servers for the root or .arpa, and 
the response to the stub would then be ambiguous.

We look forward to your bashing and/or support.

--Paul Hoffman

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