
On 08/03/2019 21:29, Dave Lawrence wrote:

> Huh, My understanding from a hallway conversation with Benno was that
> the immediate response is only sent for names that would have been
> subject to pre-fetching, such that the immediate response in this case
> is sufficiently covered under the guidance of a recent attempt being
> made.  If that is not the case, and you can get stale answers from
> Unbound even without a recent refresh attempt, then I personally think
> that is an error in Unbound and not this document.

The current implementation of serve stale in Unbound is closely related
with the pre-fetching process.  It works well for most cases, that is
names that are frequently queried for, so the pre-fetch assures for
fresh and correct entries in the cache.

For names with relative short TTLs and that are not frequently queried
for (i.e. less frequent than covered by the TTL), the entry from the
cache is stale and only after serving the reply, a pre-fetch (resolve)
is initiated to update/re-fresh the entry in the cache.

We acknowledge this behavior is not optimal in some situations and will
reimplement a part of the re-fresh strategy of cache entries.

-- Benno

Benno J. Overeinder
NLnet Labs

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