On Fri, 30 Nov 2018, Ted Lemon wrote:

Suppose you have a company that has a subdomain that's internal (this is the 
case where they control the delegation).   The way you make this work is that 
you publish a signed delegation to the internal

That means your public DNS zone must be signed for your internal DNS
zone to be signed? Otherwise you cannot have this signed delegation?
That would mean you cannot run DNSSEC internally before you run it

   When you look things up in that zone outside the firewall, you get NXDOMAIN 
for everything but the SOA on the zone, which returns an old serial number.   
Inside the firewall, they get answers, which
are signed, and which validate.   There's no need for a special trust anchor 

This scheme seems to require both inside and outside zones are signed
with the same key, or as Mark pointed out, both internal and external
zones need to share their DS records and keep these in sync. As these
are usually different organisations/groups/vendors/services, that is
an actual management problem.

I do not think a protocol should require this manual effort, or add
requirements for where to run DNSSEC first in an organisation.

So that works if the zone being queried is just nonexistent outside the 
firewall.   If the zone looks different outside the firewall than inside the 
firewall, it's a bit more complicated, but essentially

With similar problems as above.

   There are two ways to approach this.   One is to assume that the validator 
never checks the SOA on the zone.   This is almost certainly the case for 
nearly any use case.   In that case, you just
run the internal and external name servers with the same ZSK, and have a 
delegation above it.   You don't worry about zone serial numbers, because they 
don't affect validation.   When you're inside the VPN,
you get answers for the internal zone; when you're outside the vpn, you get 
answers for the outside.   Both validate, because the DS record(s) are 
referring to the same ZSK(s).

coordinating shared ZSK's is even harder then requiring sharing DS
records! ZSKs roll every month, and a lot of software auto-generates
and performs the roll without any humans involved. It seems extremely
fragile to need to coordinate ZSKs between different organisations,
be ready for the same algorithm rollovers, etc etc.

So in this case, there is no need for a special trust anchor, and using one 
makes you substantially less secure, and hence is not something we should be 

I think your proposal is far to fragile to suggest in real enterprise


On Fri, Nov 30, 2018 at 10:53 AM Paul Wouters <p...@nohats.ca> wrote:
      On Thu, 29 Nov 2018, Ted Lemon wrote:

      > On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 12:31 AM Paul Wouters <p...@nohats.ca> wrote:
      >       How could the use case be more constrained without breaking 
      > I discussed this in detail in several previous posts, e.g.:

      > https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/dnsop/97xk8Zm1NGpyadZ8lsL3MhRtYGk
      > https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/dnsop/hkRowALa5yT4IoSmqCpdZg4e78I

      Well, you argued for changing things so much that it breaks
      functionality :) And you would require the VPN client to have
      some kind of DNSSEC resolving capability before the tunnel is
      setup. And if those checks need to be done during tunnel setup
      then there is also a significant delay that would affect on-demand

      I especially disagree with your text:

              I think that we should let the field tell us before figuring out 
how to solve that problem.

      > I explained this in the previous posts.   I would be happy (really!) to 
help improve the text, but it would be a significant change, and I'm getting the 
impression from
      > Warren that he would like to not do that..

      More specifically, the enterprise use case should not be further changed
      to a more manual problem. In our previous discussions, both with the list
      and the Security AD, we made it clear that this is as far as we can go
      without destroying the enterprise use case. That is, let the provisioning
      provide the list of names for override, give software a chance to warn,
      and treat it otherwise as trusted enterprise provisioning. It is up to
      the implementations on how or where they would support internal trust
      anchors. For example a phone OS could limit this via "enterprise managed"
      phone modes only and not allow "emailed profiles" to have these trust

      >> Have you ever installed a Configuration Profile on iOS device? If your 
profile contains a VPN profile which contains a PkCS12 it will warn (entity 
installing this
      >> can monitor all your traffic) and show you the root CA.
      > Yes.   That's a very bad UI flow.   It means that I can just hand you a 
configuration profile to install, and you can install it easily.   And you will 
install it—you're
      > installing it because you want to get something, and when you're presented with "ok" or 
"cancel," it's going to be very clear to you that "ok" will get you whatever it
      > is that you want, and "cancel" will not get you what you want.   So 
even offering the user this choice has created a gigantic attack surface..   I think of UIs 
like this
      > as "social engineering enablement UIs."

      Well, this is where rubber meets the road. There is nothing I can come
      up with that will be rejected by the people who want to see dancing
      hamsters or playful kittens. An enterprise can hand out phones that
      are restricted with respect to provisioning and they can control it
      as they see fit. If such an enterprise wants to support BYOD, they
      can choose to forbid these trust anchors on those phones and/or
      limit those VPN connections in other ways.

      If you let random internet companies install profiles with various
      kinds of super powers, no RFC in the world will stop them.


      >       The idea of the text is that this can be similarly done and 
warning you about the domains whitelisted. That would help if it suddenly lists 
gmail.com or
      >       yahoo.com. I believe this adds value and is better than not 
presenting the whitelist. Ignorant users will just click click click regardless 
and knowledgeable
      >       users can go “wait a minute”
      > I assume that knowledgable users will do the right thing if given the 
right information; often these dialogs do not actually give the right information. 
  But it's the
      > ignorant users I actually care about, because there are probably three 
or four orders of magnitude more of them.   As a knowledgable user, UIs like this 
actually create
      > a lot of stress for me, because they never actually tell me what 
they're going to do, and yet I know that if they are doing something other than 
what I hope they are
      > doing, clicking "yes" will create a new attack surface on my device.   So I usually click 
"no," even though it's probably okay to click "yes."   If we want devices to be
      > more secure, we have to come up with UI flows that get the user what they need without 
forcing them to choose between "win and get hacked" and "lose and don't get
      > hacked."

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