Hello DNSOP!

tl;dr Please consider submitting a presentation for the DNS devroom at FOSDEM 

More details:

Every year, developers from all over Europe (and some from farther away) meet 
in Brussels to discuss Open Source software and many other topics. After a 
successful and packed DNS devroom (track) last year, we are happy to announce a 
full-day DNS devroom at FOSDEM 2019.

As with last year, we hope to host talks anywhere from hardcore protocol stuff 
to practical sessions for programmers that are not directly involved with DNS - 
but may have to deal with DNS in their day to day coding - or for system 
administrators responsible for DNS infrastructure.

The standardisation community needs developers; this is your chance to reach 
out to them, tell them what you are up to, and perhaps even get a couple of 
them on board to implement your ideas!

We have been allotted a room on Sunday, 3 February 2019. We expect to schedule 
30 minutes per talk, including questions, but we have some flexibility if you 
need more or less time.

If you have something you’d like to share with (your fellow) developers, please 
head to pentabarf at https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM19. Examples of 
topics are measuring, monitoring, DNS libraries, anecdotes on how you’ve 
(ab)used the DNS, and of course any (upcoming) RFCs that have your interest. 
Here’s the 2018 schedule, for your inspiration: 
https://archive.fosdem.org/2018/schedule/track/dns/ .

The deadline for submission is Saturday, 1 December 2018. If you have a FOSDEM 
pentabarf account from a previous year, please use that account. Reach out to 
dns-devroom-mana...@fosdem.org if you run into any trouble.

See you there!

Peter van Dijk, Shane Kerr, Pieter Lexis, and Kees Monshouwer

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