
> On Nov 8, 2018, at 10:30 AM, Brian Dickson <> 
> wrote:
> For new RRtypes, registries, registrars, and their provisioning services do 
> NOT need to support them; the new types are in the zones only.

DY> (Experiencing a "DUH!" moment.)  Yes, of course. It's zone data so only 
those entities handling zone data need to care.  In my 
still-annoyingly-jet-lagged mind, I made the classic mistake of equating 
"registrars" with "DNS hosting operators" because so many registrars are *also* 
DNS hosting providers.

> New RRtypes which do not require any "additional" processing, do NOT strictly 
> speaking require resolver support, since resolvers handle unknown RRtypes. 
> (Mark A can quote you the RFC, and I think has recently.)

DY> Ah, interesting. Where the proposed HTTP RRtype has behavior similar to the 
CNAME record, my assumption would be that resolver software would need to know 
what to do once it receives the record.  For that reason, wouldn't all the 
resolvers (or at least an extremely high %) need to be upgraded to support the 
new record?

> On the plus side, I can confirm at least one hosting/authority service will 
> do this as soon as a stable spec is available (i.e. HTTP and a code point 
> early allocation).

DY> :-)   Good to know!

Dan York
Director, Content & Web Strategy, Internet Society   +1-802-735-1624 
Jabber:  Skype: danyork

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