On 06/11/2018 20:44, Tony Finch wrote:

My understanding is that wildcards don't work for SRV because the
_prefixes are used to disambiguate which service you are asking for,
effectively to extend the RR TYPE number space. So if you wildcard a SRV
record then the target port has to support every possible protocol :-)

No, it's because you can't do:

_http._tcp.*.example.com IN SRV ...

If you are using an _prefix without any meaning of its own but only to
move a record away from the apex (so that it can be delegated or CNAMEd)
and also using a specific RR type or an RDATA prefix, then wildcards do
not conflict.

I believe they still do, e.g.

_domainkey.*.example.com IN TXT ...


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