> On 6 Nov 2018, at 11:38 pm, Matthijs Mekking <matth...@pletterpet.nl> wrote:
> On 06-11-18 12:39, Ray Bellis wrote:
>> On 06/11/2018 17:58, Matthijs Mekking wrote:
>>> That's the crux: A solution that depends on upgrading the resolvers is 
>>> considered not a (fast enough) deployable solution.
>> The HTTP record does not depend on resolvers being upgraded.   If the 
>> browser vendors implement the client side, it's not required.
> But DNS providers like to solve the CNAME-at-the-apex problem within the DNS 
> protocol.
>> Once they do fully implement it by serving the A and AAAA records from 
>> cache, then it'll be fast, too.
>>> That's why I like ANAME: It allows you to do CNAME-at-the-APEX processing 
>>> without requiring resolvers to be updated, however resolvers can implement 
>>> ANAME to optimize the behavior.
>>> Also the ANAME in its current form does not require (but also does not 
>>> prevent) the resolution to take place inside the name server, it can be a 
>>> simple script that is part of your zone provisioning.
>> I think Tony Finch was suggesting that you could also do that with "HTTP".
> Okay, I missed that. If HTTP can do that too, than the approach is very 
> similar to ANAME except for the name. Why have both then? Also the name HTTP 
> suggests the record is only applicable to the web.

Because being able to have different services on different hosts / providers is 
a good thing.
Your SIP service is handled on one machine.  You mail on a different machine.  
HTTP on a third and ftp on a forth.  I don’t know what new services are going 
to be dreamed up.  I do know that some of them are not going to wanted to be on 
the same machine that is serving HTTP, or SMTP, or SUBMISSION or …

HTTP is actually the odd man out here.  Lots of other protocols have taken up 
SRV or used other mechanisms to be able to direct traffic to particular servers.

> Matthijs
>> Ray
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