> On Oct 22, 2018, at 6:53 PM, Bob Harold <rharo...@umich.edu> wrote:
> Just my opinions:
> Keep the Reserved field
> Include occluded data - it is part of the zone, even if never served.  
> (Similar to glue data when a server has both a parent and child zone.)
> If you might have multiple zonemd records not at the apex later, why not 
> allow them now?  Otherwise, your choice whether to restrict them.  (Someone 
> will find a use for them, like verifying glue records.  Everyone else can 
> ignore them.)

Thanks for the feedback, Bob.

My thought about non-apex ZONEMD records is that ZONEMD has some similarities 
to SOA.  They both say something about the zone has a whole, and I know some 
software at least rejects zones with a non-apex SOA record.  OTOH, I don't want 
to make things unnecessarily complex...


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