On 10/18/2018 12:04 PM, Warren Kumari wrote:
Dave has stated that he is unwilling to do this work. Instead of having the WG document simply stall, Benno and I have agreed that we would split them between us. If anyone would like to volunteer to help out, we would not take it amiss.

Please note that this is not a normal situation - in general we expect the authors to deal with IESG DISCUSS (and other ballots) - but we wanted to move this document along.

(Oh boy. Had Warren merely said something neutral like 'Dave won't be able to do that' I wouldn't feel the need to post this. But given his wording...)

Alissa's Discuss is based on an extrapolation of the Update semantic, beyond anything that is documented because, I'm told, the IESG hasn't been able to reach consensus on relevant details.

Worse, her concern is that someone editing one of the cited specs will not know which part of the -fix document applies to them. Given the detail that /is/ provided in -fix, IMO the odds of that problem are lower than 'unlikely'.

There are 35+ documents cited, so the task that is being imposed is non-trivial.

My understanding is that it is not uncommon to have an Updates citation to something like the base Attrleaf document, with no additional detail guiding the update to a cited document. From that perspective, the -fix document is already considerably more detailed than often/sometimes required.

I'll also note that I gave this feedback to Alissa directly, earlier and she did not respond to it. That failure to engage is just one more problem with this Discuss. (And it hearkens back to years ago when ADs would do this sort of thing regularly. Not me, of course, but some...)

And just to be clear, obviously I'll add whatever text the wg agrees on. My limitation is spending the significant on a task that appears to be entirely unnecessary.


Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

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