On 28 Sep 2018, at 11:27, Warren Kumari wrote:

> We are adding (at the IESG's request) this (thanks to Terry for the text):
> ------
> "The special labels defined here came after extensive IETF evaluation
> of alternative patterns and approaches in light of the desired
> behaviour (sections 2.1, 2.2) within the resolver and the applied
> testing methodology (section 4.3).  As one example, underscore
> prefixed names were rejected because a number of browsers / operating
> systems would not fetch them, as they were not viewed as valid
> "hostnames". Attention was paid to the consideration of local
> collisions and the reservation of Left Hand Side (LHS) labels of a
> domain name, and the impact upon zone operators who might desire to
> use a similarly constructed hostname for a purpose other than as
> documented here.  Therefore, it is important to note that the
> reservation of the labels in this manner is definitely not considered
> "best practice".
In re-reading this for inclusion in the future registry document, I noticed 
something wrong. You don't mean "Left Hand Side (LHS)": that almost always used 
to mean the user name in an email address. I think you instead mean "left-most" 
with no abbreviation.

--Paul Hoffman

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