> But in the general case the network cannot.
> Think host multi-homing.

Yes or no.

Generally speaking the races of IPv6 and IPv4 connections on both network
and client are going to be suffered by netowrk dynamics, including
Multi-homing,  route flaps, roaming, or other network falilures. Extremely,
a client can get a better IPv6 connection in one second (when IPv6 win the
race), and lose it in next second. In such case, more sophisticated
measurement should be done(on client or network) , for a longer period, on
statistics of RTT and Failure rate, or combinations of them. But in IMHO,
the assumption of HE is relatively stable network for short exchange
connections. The dynamics exits but relatively rare or no notable impact on
HE. So I see no such discussion in RFC8035.

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