That's understandable. I think it would be most helpful to somehow tag
those cases so that the reader can see that they are ambiguous rather than
just rereading and being confused.


On Fri, Aug 31, 2018 at 9:22 AM, Paul Hoffman <>

> Ekr pinged me in Jabber after I sent this, and I wanted to clarify
> something bigger-picture on this document. We know that there are a number
> of definitions that are not clear. In the WG discussion, we tried hard to
> get them clarified, and often met resistance in the form of "I have always
> thought it meant X" vs. "I have always thought it meant Y" that could not
> be resolved. On some of the terms that Ekr asked for clarity on, we had
> even done separate threads. In the end, there was reasonably strong WG
> consensus that the document was the best we could do, even thought most of
> the folks who said that probably had at least one bit that they didn't like
> in the document.
> --Paul Hoffman
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