Okay. How are you going to write the applicability statement?

On Sun, Aug 19, 2018 at 8:10 PM Paul Vixie <p...@redbarn.org> wrote:

> i think a good modern stub should have several settings that are missing
> in today's stable of internet endpoints.
> "these are my preferred servers, even when dhcp tells me otherwise"
> "if there's a tcp/853 trust path available, and it works, prefer it"
> "if my preferred servers can't be reached i do/don't want to follow dhcp"
> "if dhcp doesn't give me working servers, try these global ones instead"
> the lack of these knobs today should not inform our debate as to whether
> to add dhcp elements to support tcp/853. rather, they are a separate
> problem -- just as dhcp authentication is a separate problem.
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