On Fri, 10 Aug 2018, Wessels, Duane wrote:

But there are already mechanisms for this at the data set level.  (This is a "belts 
and suspenders" style argument.)  What if -err- when, in a zone's distribution, the 
glue records are either forged or simply fat-fingered?  That's covered, in a way that is 
more efficient - in a lazy evaluation way.  Mangled glue never referenced needs not be 
checked, when it is needed there's backup in the authoritative version.  If all else 
fails, DNSSEC will flag whatever response as suspect.

Yes, certainly DNSSEC protects from modification of answers.  It generally 
protects recursives who validate.  But it doesn't protect consumers of zone 

By design....

Another limitation I've mentioned before, where DNSSEC doesn't protect you, is 
that a delegation could be falsified such that traffic goes to an eavesdropper 
that just records but doesn't modify messages.

but on most networks you connect to that you don't trust, they could
just be monitoring all your port 53 traffic anyway? I don't see this
much as a use case. An attacker that cannot see your traffic, but could
get to see your DNS root queries but only briefly if you cache or
actually use the root zone you just transfered from them. Also query
minimalization makes that use case very uninteresting.

I'd also argue that maybe applications shouldn't necessarily trust a file just because 
its "on disk." The application doesn't know how it got there, or what may have 
been done to it.

Sure but applications should either validate or trust the local
validator loading the zone. So that limits the discussion to
glue/NS only.

I'm not sure this is what you mean by "speed of execution" but as an example, 
my implementation (which uses ldns) can calculate and verify a SHA256 signed root zone 
digest in under 100 msec.

$ sort --random-sort root.zone.signed | ldns-zone-digest -t -p 2 -c -v .
Loading Zone...22539 records
Remove existing ZONEMD...
Add placeholder ZONEMD...
Calculating Digest...Done
Calculating Digest...Done
Found and calculated digests do MATCH.
TIMINGS: load  142.18 calculate   82.72 verify   52.24 update    0.00

I don't see it validating the ZONEMD RRSIG here ? :P


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