> On Jul 28, 2018, at 2:30 AM, Tim Wicinski <tjw.i...@gmail.com> wrote:
> (these are just my comments alone. So take it as such)

Thanks Tim,

I don't think these questions are already answered, so thank you for bringing 
them up.

> The draft states in the Motivation section:
>  "The motivation and design of this protocol enhancement is tied to the DNS 
> root zone [InterNIC]."
> Your Design Overview states that this will work for zones that are 
> "relatively stable and have infrequent updates".  I think some descriptive 
> text about the type of zone this RR type attempts to address should be more 
> clearly spelled out in your Abstract. 


> For the ZONEMD RR Type, where in the registry do the authors think it should 
> go?  While some of that falls on the Expert Review process,  I think the 
> document authors should capture their rationale in the document.  If the 
> proposed RR Type is greater than 256 (which I think it does), it does not 
> appear to require a Standards Track document, just Expert Review. 

Thanks. Is there a proper way to word such a request?  Looking at RFC6895 I'm 
not seeing a real difference in the way that ranges "<=127" and ">=256" are 

> I ask this since the document is listed as "Standards Track" and the document 
> is narrowly scoped to focus on the Root  Zone. Additionally the document 
> states: "This specification is OPTIONAL to implement by both publishers and 
> consumers of zone file data."   This appears to be contradictory to me, but 
> hopefully someone can illuminate me. 
> I ask all of this because we have seen the working group start to push back 
> on similarly scoped Proposed Standards (kskroll-sentinel).  
> Though I do find it amusing that you use "The Camel" as the excuse for such a 
> limited scope use case, even while requesting a Proposed Standard! 

I can accept that Standards Track is the wrong choice here.  Chalk it up to my 
naïveté.  I suppose Experimental would be more appropriate?


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