Another reason for an rr count number in the rrtype. 

Sent from my phone

> On Jul 28, 2018, at 08:47, Florian Weimer <> wrote:
> * John R. Levine:
>>>>> that the served zone is too large.  Otherwise, the receiver has to
>>>>> download the entire zone before it can determine that the hash does
>>>>> not match. ...
>>> On the other hand, clients will likely have a pretty good idea for the
>>> size of the zone, so they could transfer it twice: ...
>> Now I'm really confused.  To avoid downloading the whole zone you download 
>> it twice?
>> Could you explain in simple terms why you can't download the zone, check 
>> the digest and signature, and either use it or discard it?
> A malicious server might never stop sending data, or claim that the
> transfer is ridiculously large.  If the zone digest does not include
> information about the amount of data, this can only be detected after
> the server ended transmission, at which time the ZONEMD digest can be
> compared.  But at this point, the client may already have filled its
> storage with garbage data, unless the double transfer trick is used.
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