> On Jul 15, 2018, at 11:37 AM, Shane Kerr <sh...@time-travellers.org> wrote:
> Bonjour,
> I decided to implement draft-wessels-dns-zone-digest-02 at the IETF 102 
> Hackathon. As expected, it is fairly straightforward. You can see the code on 
> GitHub:
> https://github.com/shane-kerr/ZoneDigestHackathon

Thanks Shane!

> It seems to work, although since I have no other implementation to compare 
> against I can't be sure that the digest values are in any way correct.

My own implementation, alluded to in the draft, is here:


I have a few test cases in the Tests directory.

> In proper hackathon style there are no tests. Bugs surely abound. If you use 
> it in production please keep a fire extinguisher handy.
> I found the draft to be clear and fairly complete, although I have a few 
> suggestions:
> * It might be worth mentioning that names are expected to be
>  uncompressed. It's kind of obvious, but it might trick up some
>  implementations.

The draft says "It also adopts DNSSEC's canonical RR form (Section 6.2 of 
[RFC4034])" in one place and "calculated by concatenating the canonical 
on-the-wire form of all RRs" later.  I wouldn't object to being more explicit.  
Do you want to propose some text or shall I take a stab?

> * The TTL of the ZONEMD record has to come from somewhere. It can either
>  come from configuration or pulled from somewhere else (I used the TTL
>  of the SOA record). This should be documented.

I also used the SOA TTL in my implementation.  I can make that a recommendation 
in the draft.

> * It might be worthwhile giving some recommendations or even
>  requirements about what to do with failures. For example, something
>  like "secondary servers who receive a zone that fails a digest
>  validation SHOULD NOT serve the zone".

Happy to add something like that.

> * Having some example zones and the expected digest values would be very
>  useful for implementers.

Agreed.  I would like to have some examples as an appendix in the document.


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