
I'm responding to Murray's impressive proofreading details offlist, but there are some points he raises that might need wg discussion:

On 7/18/2018 8:17 AM, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:


The DNS is case-insensitive so this is a minor point, but would there be any benefit to specifying that the registry only records the all-lowercase version of an underscore name?

Mumble. The registry entries, of course, are not DNS entities. So aspects of registry use might care, such as for comparisons.

And since uniqueness is the whole goal, forcing entries to use a single case simplifies comparison. I'm inclined to do as Murray suggests.


The text specifically calls for a stable reference. Do we have guidance about what constitutes such a thing? I believe IANA has its own guidelines to that end; are they available to the Designated Expert?

I'm inclined to let IANA raise this if they see and issue and then let them drive the resolution of this point.

Section 6:


I have doubts that SECDIR would accept this one-sentence comment. I suggest saying something more specific, like:

"This document establishes a registry, and encourages a slight reorganization of attributes stored in the DNS. It establishes no new security issues."

The first clause is redundant and makes sense to have here only either if the readers of this section haven't read the rest of the document, or if the clause is useful to what follows. I believe neither applies here.

I don't understand the 'encourages' statement but suspect I don't agree.

That leaves language that is equivalent to the existing language...

Section 6.1:


This seems to me to be content that belongs in its own section outside of Section 6 since it doesn't seem to me to be a security issue, but it's worth saying. Maybe give it its own section between what's now Sections 3 and 4?

Well, I agree it's awkward where it is, but gosh. An entire major section? For such a small and explanatory -- rather than specification/normative bit of text? Mumble.

If no one minds, I would rather make it Section 1.4, just after the sub-section tht describes the construct. I think it actually works well there.

Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

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