Hi all, 

Two questions came up recently when writing the DNS Privacy BCP with respect to 
terminology (and on the dns-operations list):

1) What do folks think about adding a new definition to this document for a 
shortened term for DNS-over-TLS? Since  we now have DoH I’ve often taken to 
referring to DNS-over-TLS as DoT in talks and presentations. But this isn’t an 
acronym used in any standard and it is also potentially confused with meaning 
DNS-over-TCP  (and there is also a DOTS WG at IETF). DoTLS and DoTCP have also 
been proposed which work well in written form, but don’t sound as good, so we 
could consider DoT and DoTCP? Other ideas?

2) The second questions is if it is worth including DoH client/server 
definitions here and also updating the definition of 'Privacy-enabling DNS 
server’ from RFC8310 in this draft to include servers that implement DoH and/or 
DNS-over-TLS. I suspect having one term for such servers might make some of the 
anticipated DRUI work easier, but I realise including DoH could create 
dependancy problems  :-)



> On 22 Jun 2018, at 21:01, Suzanne Woolf <suzworldw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Colleagues,
> This begins the working group last call for 
> draft-ietf-dnsop-terminology-bis-10, "DNS Terminology”. The document has 
> gotten significant feedback and the editors have worked hard to document 
> current terminology usage, both among practitioners and for broader 
> audiences; we’d like to advance it.
> We’re seeking consensus to advance it to the IESG with an intended status of 
> Best Current Practice. Note that it’s intended to obsolete RFC 7719 ( the 
> earlier “DNS Terminology” document). 
> If you support it, please say so. If you don’t, please say why.
> The current version is at: 
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-dnsop-terminology-bis/
> Last Call will run for two weeks, closing on Friday July 6. This will allow 
> for discussion of any major outstanding issues at IETF 102.
> thanks,
> Suzanne, Tim, & Benno
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