> On 20 Jun 2018, at 8:44 am, David Conrad <d...@virtualized.org> wrote:
> On Jun 19, 2018, at 2:03 PM, Ray Bellis <r...@bellis.me.uk> wrote:
>> AIUI, a large part of the supposed issue with SRV was the inertia of the
>> installed base of browsers that wouldn't know how to access them.
> I thought the more fundamental problem was the additional latency caused by 
> the second lookup since SRV specified domain names as targets.

Yes, they keep coming up with theoretical issues which won’t be a issue in 
practice.  Nameservers put the address records of the server listed in the SRV 
record in the additional section so no second lookup is required.  If the 
address isn’t in the cache the nameserver can look it up while the SRV reply is 
in flight.  I’ve got code that does exactly that.  Took 30 minutes to write.  
It’s just a different form of prefetch.  If they really want the additional 
section populated they can define a EDNS option or flag to say to do that.  At 
the moment most servers don’t follow CNAMEs when populating the additional 
section but that can also be done easily.

So one SRV query with all the rest of the data in the additional section.  
Perfectly doable. Fallback to 2 queries with older name servers and a CNAME 
chain for the SRV target. 

> But maybe I’m misremembering.
> Regads,
> -drc
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