The latest wg's agreed approach for the Attrleaf specification is to
have a clean-sheet document that does /not/ reflect the problematic
history, with a companion specification that does. That is, the first
document is to specify the registry as if there were no history of
independent _underscored names (other than creating registry entries for
those existing node names.) The current draft-ietf-dnsop-attrleaf
specification provides the clean-sheet approach. I think it is within
epsilon of doing what we've agreed it should do.
That leaves the messiness of dealing with the many documents that
created that _underscored history and the requisite cleanup of it, for a
companion document. The document just announced (attrleaf-fix, cited
below) serves that purpose.
I tried to make the document complete in terms of structure AND detail.
While I think the structural approach of the draft is reasonable, I
don't believe for all the detail that's needed is there.
For working group review, I suggest folk consider the draft in terms of
3, basic concerns:
Clarity: Does the draft adequately explain its purpose and
adequately explain its approach for satisfying that purpose
(separate from its whether it achieves that goal well
Efficacy: Does the draft's approach seem sufficient to it's task?
Completness: Does the draft have all of the necessary detail and is
all that detail correct?
I'm quite sure the document is /not/ complete and strongly encourage
careful commentary on-list or off, so we can remedy this.
But please also consider the first two points, especially for a reader
who does not already have deep background in this topic.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
A new version of I-D, draft-ietf-dnsop-attrleaf-fix-00.txt
has been successfully submitted by Dave Crocker and posted to the
IETF repository.
Name: draft-ietf-dnsop-attrleaf-fix
Revision: 00
Title: DNS Attrleaf Changes: Fixing Specifications with _Underscored
Node Name Use
Document date: 2018-05-03
Group: dnsop
Pages: 13
Original uses of an _underscore character as a domain node name
prefix, which creates a space for constrained interpretation of
resource records, were specified without the benefit of an IANA
registry. This produced an entirely uncoordinated set of name-
creation activities, all drawing from the same namespace. A registry
now has been defined. However the existing specifications that use
_underscore naming need to be modified, to be in line with the new
registry. This document specifies those changes. The changes
preserve existing software and operational practice, while adapting
the specifications for those practices to the newer _underscore
registry model.
Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking
DNSOP mailing list