Hi WG Chairs (and WG)

We have submitted -12 of this draft which we believe incorperates the 
substantive review comments made during the WG Last Call period that were 
posted to the WG Mailing List.
> Editors: Please take “concern about a description of current implementation 
> status” as WGLC input, and consider what you might be able to add to the 
> draft to address it. 

We have also taken the implementation comments posted to the WG mailing list 
and collected them in a new section titled "Implementation Experience” in the 
light of Suzanne’s request

So we would like to pass this draft back to the WG Chairs at this point for 
your review for potential submission as an RFC.


 Geoff (for co-editors Joao and Warren)

DNSOP mailing list

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