> On Apr 18, 2018, at 5:07 PM, Suzanne Woolf <suzworldw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> The chairs have been discussing next steps after IETF 101, particularly the 
> very lively WG input on the complexity and stability of the DNS protocol.
> There are many aspects to the questions that came up. Some are not going to 
> be resolved within the IETF or the standards process, but it sounds to us 
> like there are things the IETF and DNSOP can do that could improve the 
> situation.
> We heard significant support in the WG for slowing down on adoption of new 
> work, with more attention by the chairs and in WG discussion for a couple of 
> factors:
> First, what's the applicability of this work? what problem does it solve, and 
> for whom?
> Second, does this work add significantly to the complexity of the DNS 
> protocol, or the work of implementers and operators?
> Finally, what implementation experience exists with the technology?
> We're not trying to create unnecessary barriers to new work; previous 
> generations of DNS working groups have arguably tried to preserve stability 
> of the protocol at the expense of innovation, with the result that people 
> simply proceeded to innovate outside of the standards process.
> However, we want to see these issues discussed as part of WG consideration 
> for adoption of new work in the future, and will explicitly consider them 
> when deciding whether new work has adequate support to advance in the working 
> group.

I have only been in the DNS community for a few years but spent many years in 
the IETF community in routing before that.

My experience is that the DNS protocol with all of it’s new submissions and 
feature proposals is not very complex in comparison to routing.

I am not in favor of slowing innovation or slowing the adoption of new work. I 
think each submitted proposal should stand on it’s own merits and we should be 
able to have discussions about each proposal to decide if it’s a benefit to the 
community without fear of being sidelined or slow-tracked.


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