> On 4 Apr 2018, at 2:30 pm, Geoff Huston <g...@apnic.net> wrote:
>> No.  Below is self contradictory. Condition 1 requires that
>> CD=1 be turned into CD=0 and condition 3 requires that no special
>> processing happens for CD=1.
>> How CD is handled determines what you are testing when you have
>> resolvers in series.
>> Do you want CD=1 to disable special processing?
> yes
>> Do you want to only test the first validator?
> yes
>> Do you want to test the entire chain?
> no
>> Do you want consistency?
> err, umm - yes? (is this a trick question? :-) )
>> All the scenarios need to be worked through remembering that there
>> is a cache that may be populated.
> Mark, would it help if the phrase “regardless of whether DNSSSEC validation 
> was requested.” 
> was removed?
> i.e.:
> All of the following conditions must be met to trigger special
> processing inside resolver code:
> o  The DNS response is DNSSEC validated
> o  The result of validation is “Secure”.
> o  The Checking Disabled (CD) bit in the query is not set.
> o  The QTYPE is either A or AAAA (Query Type value 1 or 28).
> o  The OPCODE is QUERY.
> o  The leftmost label of the original QNAME (the name sent in the
>    Question Section in the original query) is either "root-key-
>    sentinel-is-ta-<key-tag>" or "root-key-sentinel-not-ta-<key-tag>”.
> Geoff

I think that is the way to go.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742              INTERNET: ma...@isc.org

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