On 03/22/18 08:08, Ondřej Surý wrote:

> * Separate operational recommendations for default algorithm to 
> * Deprecation of ECC-GOST (that actually happened elsewhere, so we reflect it 
> here)
> I also squeezed paragraph about DS algorithm upgrade to operational 
> considerations based on Roy Arends’ presentation.

Regarding the comments (and general tone of the document) regarding
SHA384 and ECDSAP384SHA384:

I am a bit uncomfortable with the document's disrecommendation of SHA384
and ECDSAP384SHA384.  The main reason for this is that for crypto
recommendations here in the USG, I often point people to the successor
of the NSA Suite B recommendations, now called the "Commercial National
Security Algorithm Suite" or CNSA.  The recommendations here call for
SHA384 and P-384:


This document made a bit of a splash by pointing out that ECC is not
really quantum-resistant, which led to lots of "theories" as to why
NSA-IAD was making that claim.  But the main utility of the document is
the crypto strength recommendations in the document.

I am *very* sympathetic to the argument that P-256 and SHA-256 are "good
enough" for DNSSEC, especially since we can expect any such signatures
to have expired by the time 112-bit security is completely obsolete.  My
motivation is around encouraging people to use the strongest security
available to them without having to worry about whether some
applications could get away with weaker security or not.

Given that ECDSAP384SHA384 signatures and key lengths are still
significantly smaller than RSASHA256, the adage of "use the strongest
*practical* security algorithm that's available" would still seem to
point to ECDSAP384SHA384.  For this reason, I am not comfortable with
the statement:

"ECDSAP384SHA384 share the same properties as ECDSAP256SHA256, but
offers only a little advantage over ECDSAP256SHA256 and has not seen
wide deployment, so the usage of this algorithm is discouraged,
especially for signing."  I would also advocate changing the Signing
Recommendation to "MAY."


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