following klensin's observations that cross-rrtype conflicts cannot
occur and that the only _necessary_ registry is of predefined labels
with specific meanings _within each rrtype_, i've strugged to piece
together my memory of why i wanted _ names for SRV at all.
it's because the meaning of RCODE=0 && ANCOUNT=00 was once different, or
at least interpreted differently, by some stub resolvers, compared to
RCODE=3. it had to do with temporary vs. permanent failures in e-mail,
as i recall.
in any case today it's a non-issue. if i were specifying SRV today i
would not bother with underbars, because TCP.REDBARN.ORG or
UDP.REDBARN.ORG would not confuse any app that looks up AAAA (or A),
since they would hear RCODE=0 && ANCOUNT=0, and fail hard.
P Vixie
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