Michael StJohns <m...@nthpermutation.com> writes:

> Please, please get rid of activeRefreshOffset, clockskewDriftMargin
> and retryDriftMargin.    Replace this with a single paragraph noting
> that the maximum time (assuming no retransmissions) a node has to wait
> after its holdDownTime expires is activeRefresh.  (e.g. the conclusion
> you reach at the bottom of 6.1.6).  The rest of the math you have is
> basically explaining why in certain chosen circumstances some nodes
> might get there early.... and that's a don't care when looking at
> worst case.

Thanks for the review Mike.  6.1.6 gets to the value you want
(activeRefresh), by more explanation than you want because I'm doing
showing a full analysis of all issues.  I think we'll need to agree to
disagree on whether the full analysis is beneficial to the document or
not (I believe it is).

> 6.2.1 and its related wall clock calculation should be only
> addWaitTime = sigExpirationTime + //  this is the last time that an
> old signature can be replayed
>                             activeRefresh + // this is the latest time
> that a node can start its addHoldDown timer (assuming no
> drop/retransmit/fail)
>                             addHoldDownTim + // this is the latest
> time that a node can finish its addHoldDown interval (assuming ")
>                             activeRefresh + // this is the latest time
> that a node can install the new trust anchor (assuming ")
>                             retrySafetyMargin // this is the
> additional time the publisher should wait to compensate for real-world
> issues (drops/retransmits/networkfailure)

That's what's in 6.2.2, so we're good there.  I realize you don't like
the flipside in 6.2.1, but again that's where we disagreed on the best
way to present it so I added both so we'd both be happy.

In the end, in this version of the document you and I both agree on the
math, but not necessarily on how it's presented.  Thanks. 

Wes Hardaker

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