Comments on the latest ANAME draft:

In Section 3.1, "records retrieved during ANAME <> resolution" looks like a typo. Should "<>" be "<target>"?

Also in Section 3.1, the first five paragraphs could be more explicit about resolving and adding address records instead of specifically A and/or AAAA (other than as examples).

Also in Section 3.1, the final paragraph will result in universal SERVFAIL responses if an ANAME target is in a misconfigured signed zone, even if the zone containing the ANAME is _not_ signed (and a corresponding traffic spike from ANAME-ignorant resolvers).

In Section 4, "resolution fails" should be better defined. Specifically, may resolvers use server-provided records if their own query results in NODATA or NXDOMAIN?

I think zone transfer considerations merit their own section, rather than being buried in and mixed with DNSSEC in 3.3. And because of those considerations, I consider it a mistake to prohibit secondary servers from resolving ANAME targets when there are address records at the same node as is required by Section 3.2. Behavior in error cases, including those stemming from ANAME-ignorant participants, seems to be much more preferable if such address records are treated as fallback data occluded during healthy operation:

1. *ANAME-ignorant primary, ANAME-aware secondary*: The secondary will
   have access to fallback data from the zone, but will only include it
   in responses when its own ANAME target resolution fails. The
   secondary can thus provide better answers to ANAME-ignorant clients
   when responses for the ANAME target are tailored.
2. *ANAME-aware primary, ANAME-ignorant secondary*: Including expanded
   records in the transferred zone data results in stretching ANAME
   TTLs and failing to update anything until secondary refresh, but
   /not/ including them would almost completely suppress ANAME
   functionality. I think the tradeoffs here need further analysis;
   more on that below.
3. *Address-including zone, address-lacking target*: An ALIAS-aware
   server will be able to locally resolve answers from the target name
   for address types that it has (e.g., A), while still providing
   nonempty answers from the zone for those it lacks (e.g., AAAA). At
   least Oracle [Dyn] customers actually prefer such behavior, as I
   mentioned in .
   But note that it requires authoritative servers to override NODATA
   responses to ANAME target resolution, changing the last two
   paragraphs of Section 3.1.
4. *Address-ignorant primary, address-aware secondary*: Assuming that a
   new address record has been defined that the primary does not know
   of, the secondary will be able to include locally-resolved data for
   it, whether or not zone data includes the new type. In cases where
   the zone data just hasn't been updated, this behavior is better than
   assuming it has been pre-expanded to an empty set.
5. *Address-aware primary, address-ignorant secondary*: Assuming that a
   new address record has been defined which the primary knows of but
   the secondary does not, the transferred zone data should include
   pre-expanded answers of the type so the secondary has them available
   for its responses (since it doesn't know to look them up on its
   own). This informs the question from case 2 above, but does not
   completely resolve it (see below).
6. And layering DNSSEC on top of the above (i.e., assuming the
   ANAME-containing zone is signed), *ANAME-aware secondary without a
   zone-signing private key*: I agree that there is no reason for a
   secondary to respond with data that it cannot sign, but it should
   still include signed (fallback) data that ANAME-aware clients will
   attempt to override with local resolution. But how is the XFR server
   to know if the XFR client can add valid signatures?

Regarding zone transfers in which the secondary server is ignorant of ANAME altogether, or the inclusion of a new address type, it seems clear that primary servers capable of pre-expansion should do so. But in my mental model, there's a distinction between static in-zone fallback data and data that was resolved upstream (the latter subject to TTL decrementing and local refreshes, the former not), and ANAME-aware zone transfers should preserve the distinction even though resolution responses won't. There's also the practical matter of zone serial, which controls zone transfers but SHOULD NOT be updated by changes in non-zone data like ALIAS target answers.

With all that in mind, I think ANAME will need to update the definition of AXFR and IXFR, and IXFR in particular is likely to give ANAME a hard time:

   @     SOA serial=<N> ; PROBLEM 1!
          ; Use of an already-known serial (since static zone contents
   have not changed).
          ; This may confuse ANAME-ignorant servers into ignoring the
   XFR altogether.
   @     SOA serial=<N> ; PROBLEM 2!
          ; This is a putative ANAME-enhanced IXFR of serial N to serial N.
          ; But at this point, it is indistinguishable from an AXFR of
   a degenerate single-record zone.
   aname A ; removed ANAME expansion
   aname A ; PROBLEM 3!
          ; ANAME-ignorant servers must remove *all* previous ANAME
   target expansions, but those are independent of serial.
          ; The servers may fail when asked to delete a nonexistent RR.
   @     SOA serial=<N>
   aname A ; new ANAME expansion
   @     SOA serial=<N>

I guess the above could be mitigated somewhat via a signal indicating ANAME-awareness in the client, but that probably means AXFR of an unchanged serial for ANAME-ignorant clients, which is a) incredibly wasteful and inefficient, and b) /still/ not guaranteed to succeed as far as I know.

There's also a similar problem for instructing secondary servers to switch away from UDP—we essentially have to lie about having serial N+1 in the single-SOA UDP response, or else they will consider theirselves already up-to-date and not even bother retrying.

On 01/12/2018 12:25 AM, wrote:
A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.
This draft is a work item of the Domain Name System Operations WG of the IETF.

         Title           : Address-specific DNS Name Redirection (ANAME)
         Authors         : Evan Hunt
                           Peter van Dijk
                           Anthony Eden
        Filename        : draft-ietf-dnsop-aname-01.txt
        Pages           : 12
        Date            : 2018-01-11

    This document defines the "ANAME" DNS RR type, to provide similar
    functionality to CNAME, but only redirects type A and AAAA queries.
    Unlike CNAME, an ANAME can coexist with other record types.  The
    ANAME RR allows zone owners to redirect queries for apex domain names
    in a standards compliant manner.

The IETF datatracker status page for this draft is:

There are also htmlized versions available at:

A diff from the previous version is available at:

Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of submission
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