On Sat, 2 dec 2017, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
> On Fri, 1 Dec 2017, Steve Crocker wrote:
> > Let me make a guess that the only lengthening that takes place in
> > practice is a floor of ten seconds.
> >
> > Comments?
> I might be misinterpreting, but from the data presented in the graph in
> section 3.2 it looks like some will increase TTL to 7200 seconds at the
> highest. There seems to be large bumps at the 600, 1200 and 1800 second
> "minimum TTL" capping (if I guess correctly from looking at that graph).
> It would be interesting to hear what problems these operators are trying
> to solve by implementing these minimums. 7200 seconds does seem like a
> pretty high value to lower bound TTLs at.

Whoah, extending TTL to 2h becomes pretty bad when the name was nefarious
and taken down within, say, 15 minutes. That renders a lot of good people's
work less useful.


Åke Nordin <ake.nor...@netia.se>, resident Net/Lunix/telecom geek.

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