
On 06-09-17 18:05, Wes Hardaker wrote:
> Matthijs Mekking <matth...@pletterpet.nl> writes:
> Thanks for all your points, and I've gone through and handled them all
> in the text (including discussing that we update 7583 per your request).
>> 2. waitTime only adds one queryInterval, while Itrp adds two. I believe
>> to be safe on the publishing side, two queryIntervals is needed. RFC
>> 7583 explains:
>>    A validator will treat it as a trust anchor the next
>>    time it retrieves the RRset, a process that can take up to another
>>    queryInterval (the third term).
> This is the one that had me think with a whiteboard for a while.  If I
> can sum it up differently, the problem is that 30 days may not be a
> factor of the queryInterval.  Thus:

But it is:

queryInterval = MAX(1 hr, MIN (15 days, 1/2*OrigTTL,

Since the 5011-enabled resolver should see at least two queries with the
new trust anchor, the 15 days (30/2) is in the above equation defined in
RFC 5011.

>     N * queryInterval >= >
> Where N is the number of queries to get somewhere over 30 days.

Sure, but N does not need to be higher than two, and in that case:

    2 * queryInterval = MAX(2 hr, MIN (30 days, OrigTTL,

In other words, never more than 30 days.

> So Irtp is waiting an extra queryInterval to account for this
> possibility.

Right, and since it is a possibility, it should be taken into account.

An important observation is that once the add hold-down timer expires,
the new key will be added as a trust anchor *only* the next time the
validated RRset with the new key is seen at the resolver.

This is the reason why the second queryInterval must be part of the

> Mathematically, I think the actually time needed to wait is 30 %
> queryInterval, which may actually be 0 in some cases and just shy of
> queryInterval in others.  Sound about right?

I am sorry, I don't understand this logic, can you elaborate?

The way I see it, queryInterval is always at minimal 1 hr and at most 15
days (not taking into account retryTime).

Best regards,

>> 4. Both definitions (Itrp and waitTime) don't really take into
>> consideration the retryTime defined in RFC 5011. Perhaps that can be
>> used for defining the extra safety margin.
> I'll have to add some text about that.  I don't think we can solve the
> case for broken networks, though.  But it's an important point to bring up.

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