
> On Jul 20, 2017, at 1:00 PM, George Michaelson <> wrote:
> I probably will not carry the WG with me on this, but I find myself
> thinking the PII aspect of client-ID makes it a wider-internet
> question and we might have views as a WG, and promote questions as a
> WG, but I think the "final call" on this is something which needs more
> than WG approval.

A couple of points of precision on this: first, I’m not sure “PII” is 
rigorously defined in our context, so we might need to be more specific on that 
(although I agree with the intuitive sense you seem to have about it).

Second, technically the WG doesn’t approve publication of a document anyway; a 
decision by the WG to advance a particular document along the process is 
neither necessary nor sufficient to get it published; there are several 
additional steps to publication approval.

With those things said, however:

> Its a big question. I'd actually welcome adoption on many levels, but
> that isn't to pre-empt that it goes to WGLC. I think we need to
> formalize the issues and take them out of the WG for review and
> discussion.
> documenting current practice is ok btw, but .. PII.

Agreed there are some aspects here that need cross-area review, and making sure 
that happens is part of the chairs’ followup from discussion of the draft to 


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