Hi James,

Q1. Both. The root zone, as a registry, is not an IETF registry.

Q2. My guess, and I am really guessing here, that if a process were to be 
created by the ICANN community to accept such requests from the IETF, it would 
be encompassing of both.


On 30/03/2017, 12:48 AM, "homenet on behalf of james woodyatt" 
<homenet-boun...@ietf.org on behalf of j...@google.com> wrote:

    q1. What precisely about “3” is not covered in IETF policy terms? That the 
document directs IANA to request a delegation in the root zone? Or that the 
document directs IANA to request an *insecure* delegation in the root zone, 
whereas a secure delegation
     *would* be adequately covered? Or both of these?
    q2. If the answer to q1 is that both aspects of “3” are not covered in IETF 
policy terms, and that each one will require a set of collaborative discussions 
with the ICANN community and new processes that handle each of these 
situations, are there any expectations
     about which of the two processes, if there are two and not just one, can 
be defined in a workable period of time for HOMENET?
    --james woodyatt <j...@google.com>

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